Thursday 6 June 2024

The Midnight Feast by Lucy Foley #bookreview #TheMidnightFeast @lucyfoleytweets @HarperCollinsUK


The Midnight Feast by Lucy Foley

Published by HarperCollins UK

Publication Date 6th June 2024

Book Description:

Midsummer, the Dorset coast

In the shadows of an ancient wood, guests gather for the opening weekend of The Manor: a beautiful new countryside retreat.

But under the burning midsummer sun, darkness stirs. Old friends and enemies circulate among the guests. And the candles have barely been lit for a solstice supper when the body is found.

It all began with a secret, fifteen years ago. Now the past has crashed the party. And it’ll end in murder at…


My Thoughts:

Lucy Foley's book The Paris Apartment is one of my favourite reads of recent years so when the opportunity to read her new book The Midnight Feast came up, I was quick off the blocks to accept the invitation - my thanks to Vicky Joss from HarperCollins Publishers and Team Lucy Foley for the Netgalley copy.

Written from various points of view, and in dual timelines, it could quite easily have become a muddled mess of a book, but kudos to Lucy Foley everything stays neatly in its lane and at no point did I feel confused. Once again Lucy manages to make the location very much a character in itself, with the atmosphere of the new wellness centre seeming to carry the weight of earlier events into its new persona despite every effort to 'detox' it with mindfulness and positive thinking by the new owner.

Everyone seems to be harbouring a secret or two as the opening evening draws near - whether it's who they are or why they are there remains hidden amongst the shadows. With the local myths about The Birds adding to the background spookiness that surrounds the story, I found this to be another very cleverly structured novel which kept me looking for answers from start to finish.

About the Author:

Lucy Foley studied English Literature at Durham and UCL universities. She then worked for several years as a fiction editor in the publishing industry – during which time she also wrote her debut, The Book of Lost and Found. Lucy now writes full-time, and is busy travelling (for research, naturally!) and working on her next novel.

Visit her Facebook page at and follow her on Twitter @lucyfoleytweets

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